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Lan Yuan - Dunedin Chinese Garden
Lan Yuan - Dunedin Chinese Garden is an authentic example of a late Ming early Ching Dynasty scholar’s garden and celebrates the Chinese influence on Otago's history and heritage.
Larnach Castle Garden
Over a century old, this large garden surrounding historic Larnach Castle on the Otago Peninsula is at an altitude of 300 metres. The scenery is spectacular and though the garden is subjected to wind and low rainfall it contains a unique collection of plants seldom seen elsewhere. Some remnants from the original plantings 120 years ago - Cupressus macrocarpa, planted extensively for shelter and a cedar to one side of the castle - give an air of maturity. The plantings reflect the owner's interest in New Zealand plants and in their southern hemisphere relations.
Dunedin Botanic Garden
The Botanic Garden is a garden of great variety with the Leith Stream on the southern boundary and Lindsay Creek running through the middle dividing the garden in two. From the formal, almost level area of the lower garden with its herbaceous borders, rose garden, camellia collection, herb garden and the beautifully planted Lister Garden, to the major collection of plants in the rock garden on the slopes leading to the upper garden, there are features for all to enjoy.
Ōtari-Wilton's Bush Native Botanic Garden
It is just 10 minutes' drive from Wellington's central business district to the five hectare Ōtari – Wilton’s plant collections and 90 hectares of bush where you may find some of the mature podocarp bush that once covered much of the city. This unique plant sanctuary has this country's foremost collection of native plants including many rare and endangered species.
The Giant's House
The Giant’s House sculpture mosaic garden is colourful, exuberant, interactive, romantic, fun and full of surprises. It is set on a sheltered, north-facing, sunny hillside in a valley in Akaroa, 1.5 hours drive from Christchurch. The garden surrounds the large historic house owned by the first BNZ Bank Manager and built from totara and kauri. There are flat areas around the house and terraced gardens gently wind up the hillside. Contrasting historic with contemporary art and balancing gardens with sculptures, it is a unique creation.
Flaxmere Garden
Flaxmere is a North Canterbury high country garden sitting beneath the main rib of Southern Alps. This large 7 acre garden is boldly designed to make the most of alpine views with strong axes and cross axes focussing on the surrounding mountain and pastoral environment. Heavy old bridge timbers and stone walls reflect a country atmosphere, and a feeling of peace & romance abides here, amidst dramatically changing seasons.
“If you think of gardening as an art form, Ayrlies is the best expression of that art.” This is a quote by Jack Hobbs, manager of Auckland Botanic Gardens. Situated in the gently rolling country of south-east Auckland, this is one of New Zealand’s best-known gardens, characterised by sweeping lawns and informal but detailed plantings by ponds and waterways
Broadfield Garden
Broadfield Garden is about 3.5 hectares established 20 years. It aims for excellence in design, planting and maintenance. Originality is a priority. Many natives are used formally and informally as are NZ raised varieties of Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Camellias, Cherry Cornus, Maples, Peony Perennials, Daffodils, Lily, and Roses.
Nikau Grove
Hundreds of Nikau Palms set the South Pacific theme in this moist gully of approximately one and a half acres.
Hamilton Gardens
Rather than focusing on plant collections, at Hamilton Gardens the emphasis is on different types of garden design. Traditional botanic gardens concentrate on plant collections, conservation, research and education, while Hamilton Gardens has the unique concept of showcasing the cultural meaning and context of gardens over the past 4,000 years.
Our relaxed country garden started thirty years ago. In the early days I had very little gardening experience and no vision for the site, but an interest in plants was quickly developing. Over the years, with much trial and error, a garden has emerged which we and our visitors do enjoy. Much thought has gone into the placement of colour, the short and long distance views, and the filtering of light which is created by judicious pruning.
Olveston Historic Home
Olveston is an authentic and original historic home depicting the life of a wealthy merchant family in the early part of the twentieth century.
Paloma Gardens
The garden commenced in 1990 but is maturing rapidly due to the mild, almost frost-free climate. The Higgies have specialized in exotic flora to produce a landscape like no other in New Zealand.
Omaka Lodge
Omaka Lodge is a large country property featuring 3 beautiful acres of landscaped gardens. View a wide range of interesting planting, the 33-metre Rill overlooking Mount Hikurangi, and expansive countryside vistas. Onsite accommodation allows exploration at leisure.
Wellington Botanic Garden
One of the oldest botanic gardens in New Zealand, this central city garden was established in 1868. The major conifer species which are a feature were planted then as part of a programme to import plant species and assess their economic potential to the new colony. The very large specimens of Pinus radiata that dominate the landscape were grown from the first seed of that species to be imported from California.
Government House Garden Wellington
Situated a stone’s throw from the Wellington Central Business District, Government House was built in 1910 on the site previously occupied by the Mount View lunatic asylum and is set amongst 12 hectares of land that stretch from the hills of Mount Victoria to the Newtown flats.
Gillies Garden
This is a ¾ acre garden set in native new Zealand bush in Silverstream, Upper Hutt. The garden is designed around a heritage Chapman Taylor Arts and Crafts style cottage. The garden design involves multiple garden rooms. Some examples of this are
The Elms
The Elms | Te Papa Tauranga garden is one of the oldest New Zealand European gardens south of the Bay of Islands. Originally created by the Church Missionary Society (CMS) between 1834-1844, as were The Treaty House gardens at Waitangi. Both The Elms | Te Papa Tauranga and The Treaty House Gardens retain some of the in situ, Maori and European cultivated vegetation with considerable archaeological landscape content. The landscape archaeology is now perhaps the most valuable resource to be preserved for understanding more fully the history of this place.
Hobbiton Movie Set
The gardens at Hobbiton™ Movie Set have a naturally rambling style, with a profusion of plants co-existing without rigid lines or divisions. Designed and created for the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Trilogies, the Hobbiton Movie Set gardens tell a unique story of the individual and communal lives of the fictional characters known as “hobbits.”