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Lan Yuan - Dunedin Chinese Garden
Lan Yuan - Dunedin Chinese Garden is an authentic example of a late Ming early Ching Dynasty scholar’s garden and celebrates the Chinese influence on Otago's history and heritage.
Larnach Castle Garden
Over a century old, this large garden surrounding historic Larnach Castle on the Otago Peninsula is at an altitude of 300 metres. The scenery is spectacular and though the garden is subjected to wind and low rainfall it contains a unique collection of plants seldom seen elsewhere. Some remnants from the original plantings 120 years ago - Cupressus macrocarpa, planted extensively for shelter and a cedar to one side of the castle - give an air of maturity. The plantings reflect the owner's interest in New Zealand plants and in their southern hemisphere relations.
Dunedin Botanic Garden
The Botanic Garden is a garden of great variety with the Leith Stream on the southern boundary and Lindsay Creek running through the middle dividing the garden in two. From the formal, almost level area of the lower garden with its herbaceous borders, rose garden, camellia collection, herb garden and the beautifully planted Lister Garden, to the major collection of plants in the rock garden on the slopes leading to the upper garden, there are features for all to enjoy.
Olveston Historic Home
Olveston is an authentic and original historic home depicting the life of a wealthy merchant family in the early part of the twentieth century.
Hereweka Garden
A young garden of 35years, Hereweka is set in a hidden valley below the prominent feature of Harbour Cone on the picturesque Otago Peninsula.
Oamaru Public Gardens
When the town was surveyed in 1858, 34 acres were set aside as a public reserve; Oamaru Gardens opened on this site in 1876 making it one of the oldest in the country. The gardens have an air of maturity greatly enhanced by the plantings along the Oamaru Creek which meanders along its length. Colourful annuals are bedded out on the sweeping lawns and an immaculate rose garden is a centerpiece.
Walter Peak High Country Farm Gardens
These beautiful gardens were started in the 1870s when two of the region’s oldest introduced trees were planted – the Sycamore and Oak, which are now protected. A native Kauri tree was also planted there in the 1960s and, in the decades since, the gardens have gradually evolved and been enhanced.
Brookfield Park
JJ took over the property in 2003. Then in a ruinous state, it has been a restorative challenge. Bordered by magnificent hedges, the majority of Brookfield’s gardens are contained within this structure, entered through a 100-year-old Weeping Elm straddling the driveway.