The Giant's House

The Giant's House


The Giant’s House sculpture mosaic garden is colourful, exuberant, interactive, romantic, fun and full of surprises. It is set on a sheltered, north-facing, sunny hillside in a valley in Akaroa, 1.5 hours drive from Christchurch. The garden surrounds the large historic house owned by the first BNZ Bank Manager and built from totara and kauri. There are flat areas around the house and terraced gardens gently wind up the hillside. Contrasting historic with contemporary art and balancing gardens with sculptures, it is a unique creation.

Artist Josie Martin (painter and sculptor) trained in horticulture and art and a frequent overseas traveller, combines her two passions intertwining them on her three dimensional garden canvas. Open areas flow into little pathways leading into a series of intimate garden rooms with vistas through the garden and to the valley and sea. Roses, lavender, mixed borders, mass plantings, vegetables, fruit, succulents, box hedges, annuals and perennials all have their place and flourish in the microclimate, surrounded by a green belt of trees.

Music plays from the sculpted mosaic (and planted) grand piano, accompanied by the sound of water from the fountain features. There is space to pause and enjoy the garden before moving on to the next creation.

The outdoor summer cafe, the Artist’s Palate Café lets visitors linger longer in the quirky surroundings and the Contemporary Art Gallery showcases Josie’s art work and plays an entertaining DVD about her.

Supreme award winner Castle of the Year 2006 on My House My Castle (NZTV) it has featured in numerous magazines, TV shows in New Zealand and internationally - most recently on House & Garden TV (U.K.) and on Extreme Homes of the World in the USA.


Facilities and Amenities


Other Gardens in Canterbury

Half Light Studio


Half Light Studio is a multidisciplinary creative design studio based in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand dedicated to Squarespace website design, brand design and business strategy.

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