Christchurch Botanic Garden
Renowned for its beautiful trees, the Christchurch Botanic Garden, part of Hagley Park, dates back to the early 1860s when the first plantings were made. The garden is flat and easily explored with an information centre, tea kiosk and all facilities. While the well-tended, century-old trees are of major interest there are many other features including rhododendron and shrub borders, a long herbaceous border and an excellent formal rose garden where the mostly hybrid tea roses are at their best in December. Adjacent to the rose garden is the tropical plant conservatory, fern and cacti houses, while the native plant collection centered on the Cockayne Memorial Garden is not to be missed.
Across the Avon is the Heritage Rose Garden where old roses may be seen at their best in early December and nearby the delightful Primula Garden where primulas and other plants from Asia are displayed in a natural setting. Formal bedding is mostly confined to the eastern boundary on Rolleston Avenue where the Peacock Fountain is a feature. From here it is worth strolling to the potager garden behind the former curators' house, now a café.
Facilities and Amenities
Open every day
Free entry
Botanic Gardens open
March 7am to 8.30pm
April to September 7am to 6.30pm
October 7am to 8.30pm
November to February 7am to 9pmVisitor Centre and ilex Cafe open
September to May 9am to 5pm
June to August 9am to 4pm
Christmas Day Closed
Conservatories open
Daily10am to 4pm -
Driving The garden is in central Christchurch on Rolleston Avenue.
You can enter the garden at four different entrances:
Armagh footbridge off Rolleston Avenue Rolleston Avenue.
West Bridge off Riccarton Avenue Woodland Bridge off Riccarton Avenue.
Public car parks are available at Armagh Street and Rolleston Avenue entrance ( a parking limit of 180 minutes applies Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm).
Physical Address: Rolleston Ave, Christchurch
Phone: 03 941 7590